Magazis Learners and Driving for the Disabled Logo

Photo GaLLery

Browse our photo gallery to see photos of our students in action, our modified car, and of media events. Students are welcome to send us their photos and feedback 🙏🏻 

Speed Limit Road Sign

Get Involved

As a registered non-profit organisation, we rely on donations and the support of our volunteers to provide our services.

Monetary Donation Icon

Monetary Donation

You can donate directly into Magazi’s bank account from anywhere in the world, using EFT, cash, or even an ATM.

Non-Monetary Donation Icon

Non-Monetary Donation

We would be grateful to accept non-monetary donations, such as vehicles that can be customised for disabled drivers, office supplies, etc.

Volunteer Icon


We are always excited to welcome volunteers who would like to become involved in our organisation.


through safe driving

Our Generous Donors

Making a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

We would like to thank our donors for their generous support.
Indwala Pty TLD
BV Forklift Service CC
BV Forklift Service CC

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